(sensor 100221) Online 10 mins ago 8 years ago 25cpm 214cpm 0.075μSv/h 0.641μSv/h More sensor data Sensor:LND7318 Model :Pointcast V1.0 Alarm : 2 Responses to “” Mori March 29, 2018 Sorry this sensor scheduled to be replaced as it is out of order. Reply Heike July 16, 2016 Hello, Can you explain why one week ago, there is so an high data 0,623 mikrosivert??? ist there something wrong with the sensor??? Reply Leave a Reply Click here to cancel reply. Name (required) Email (will not be published) (required) Website Comment Δ
2 Responses to “”
Sorry this sensor scheduled to be replaced as it is out of order.
Hello, Can you explain why one week ago, there is so an high data 0,623 mikrosivert??? ist there something wrong with the sensor???