Japan, Nara, Mitsue-mura, KittyWood (sensor 100031) オフライン(長) 2年前 7年前 51cpm 1581cpm 0.153μSv/h 4.734μSv/h 詳細データ Sensor:LND7318 Model :Pointcast V2.0 Alarm : “Japan, Nara, Mitsue-mura, KittyWood” に 2 件のコメントがあります Rob Oudendijk 2月 20, 2017 Sensor back online. Reason for downtime as inverter was overloaded by too much power coming in from solar and hydro. The inverter did shut down the power at the house. Now fixed. 返信 Rob Oudendijk 2月 19, 2017 Went off-line. Maybe not enough water for running the hydro. I will check tomorrow. 返信 コメントを残す 返信をキャンセルする。 名前(必須) メールアドレス(公開はされません)(必須) ウェブサイト コメント Δ
“Japan, Nara, Mitsue-mura, KittyWood” に 2 件のコメントがあります
Rob Oudendijk
Sensor back online. Reason for downtime as inverter was overloaded by too much power coming in from solar and hydro. The inverter did shut down the power at the house. Now fixed.
Rob Oudendijk
Went off-line. Maybe not enough water for running the hydro. I will check tomorrow.