(sensor 71) オフライン(長) 8年前 8年前 54cpm 61cpm 0.162μSv/h 0.183μSv/h 詳細データ Sensor:LND7317 Model :nGeigie Alarm : “” に 8 件のコメントがあります Pieter Franken 5月 13, 2016 This sensor has been retired and now is posting as http://realtime.safecast.org/sensors/100231/ 返信 Ray Ozzie 11月 2, 2015 Note: Failure on 10/31/15 due to bad UPS on core switches, depriving device of internet access until we could get someone out to the premises to debug/fix. 返信 ray ozzie 11月 29, 2014 http://binged.it/1pAgn6n 返信 ray ozzie 11月 29, 2014 All is calm on Cape Ann. 返信 robouden 10月 24, 2014 Picture of storm 返信 robouden 10月 24, 2014 Offline due to big storm in USA 返信 Safecast 7月 26, 2014 Sensor up now! 返信 Safecast 7月 25, 2014 Sensor being deployed … 返信 ray ozzie に返信コメントを残す 返信をキャンセルする。 名前(必須) メールアドレス(公開はされません)(必須) ウェブサイト コメント Δ
“” に 8 件のコメントがあります
Pieter Franken
This sensor has been retired and now is posting as http://realtime.safecast.org/sensors/100231/
Ray Ozzie
Note: Failure on 10/31/15 due to bad UPS on core switches, depriving device of internet access until we could get someone out to the premises to debug/fix.
ray ozzie
ray ozzie
All is calm on Cape Ann.
Picture of storm
Offline due to big storm in USA
Sensor up now!
Sensor being deployed …